Psalm 86:5-7 Now Available feat. Kristina Meyer and Joel Limpic

Psalm 86:5-7 is now available on all streaming platforms!


[5] For you, O Lord, are good and forgiving, abounding in steadfast love to all who call upon you.
[6] Give ear, O LORD, to my prayer;
listen to my plea for grace.
[7] In the day of my trouble I call upon you for you answer me.

Praying can be challenging. We need as much help as we can get.

The Psalms offer all who struggle with prayer a lifeline and much wisdom in how to come to and approach God. One thing the Psalms teach is that a healthy prayer life always begins with a healthy view of God. We see this clearly in King David’s prayers throughout the Psalms. David regularly found himself in trouble. While we’re not totally sure what the background for Psalm 86 is, in the first verse David starts by telling God he is “poor and needy.” Though these honest descriptions of himself were a part of his prayer life, they weren’t the only descriptions!

Here in verse 5, David gives us a description of the God he was praying to. While David found himself before God as “poor and needy,” he also knew that God was “good and forgiving.” He didn't stop with that description, but expanded by adding that God was “abounding in steadfast love to all who call upon you.” What a statement. This steadfast love that David had come to rely on wasn’t merely consistent. It was also abounding, abundant, overflowing, and never scarce. Though in a place of poverty, David learned to rely on a God of plenty in prayer.

Because he knew God was all of these things, his faith was stirred. His theology led Him to prayer and action in verse 6. "Good God, would you give ear to my prayers? Forgiving God, would you listen to my plea for grace?" David was asking these things precisely because he knew that’s Who his God was.

Verse 7 closes with a simple yet profound statement of trust: “In the day of my trouble I call upon you, for you answer me.” May we trust that in crazy and troublesome times our good and forgiving God will never turn a deaf ear to us. He won't show us a cold shoulder. He hears and answers us, though He may not answer in the way or timeframe we’d like. It doesn’t make Him less good or less forgiving. Let these truths about God in Psalm 86:5-7 lead you to more and more prayer!

The Song + The Artist

This song was written by Joel Limpic and then recorded in Aaron Strumpel’s studio in Lafayette, CO with some friends. Joel talked a bit out the process of writing and recording the song:

As we were recording the song, Aaron encouraged us to repeat the word “listen” a few times instead of just saying it once. At first, we were unsure but there was something unique about lingering on that word as we sang. “Listen, listen, listen…” God, would you listen to my prayers? In turn, perhaps He would ask, “Child, would you listen to my good and forgiving voice?” Hear in this song the dual invitation to cry out to God and ask Him to listen, while also the invitation to listen to His still soft voice. His good voice. His forgiving voice. His voice that rings out with steadfast love.

Song Credits

Kristina Meyer - Vocals
Aaron Strumpel - Vocals, rubber bridge, moon guitar
Joel Limpic - Acoustic guitar, vocals
Braydon Nelson - Electric guitar

Mixed by Brian Eichelberger. Mastered by Connor Hedge.

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