Day Thirteen: Psalm 130:3-4
If you, O LORD, should mark iniquities,
O Lord, who could stand?
But with you there is forgiveness,
that you may be feared.
When sinful broken humans truly experience the forgiveness that Jesus offers us, it’s transformational. Forgiveness never leads us to a passive ambivalence toward God, but rather an active reverent gratitude that some call “the fear of God.” Sam Storms describes what a biblical fear of God entails here: “To fear God means to live conscious of his all-pervasive presence, conscious of our absolute, moment-by-moment dependence on him for light and life, conscious of our comprehensive responsibility to do all he has commanded, fearful of offending him, determined to obey him (Deut. 6:1-2,24; 8:6; Pss. 112:1; 119:63; Malachi 3:5), and committed to loving him (Deut. 10:12,20; 13:4).” Pray a simple prayer asking God to help you live more aware of His presence with you and more hungry to obey Him in all things!