Day Sixteen: Psalm 130:5-6
I wait for the LORD, my soul waits,
and in his word I hope;
my soul waits for the Lord
more than watchmen for the morning,
more than watchmen for the morning.
The psalmist tells us they’re waiting, not for a particular outcome, but for a Person. In this case, it’s the LORD, who as we learned earlier is the God who’s bound Himself to us in covenant! Waiting typically corresponds with your trust in the character of the person you’re waiting for… If you’re not sure someone’s going to show up, your confidence and hope might be low. However, if the person you’re waiting for has promised and covenanted themselves with you, it’s far easier to wait. It’s still hard. Life events make it hard to trust and believe He’ll come through in the end, but today try to direct the gaze of your waiting not on an outcome but a Person. Ask God to increase in your heart a longing for Him in this season of Advent!