Day Seventeen: Psalm 130:5-6
I wait for the LORD, my soul waits,
and in his word I hope;
my soul waits for the Lord
more than watchmen for the morning,
more than watchmen for the morning.
What is a soul, and what does a soul in waiting look like? In Hebrew the word for soul is “nephesh,” and generally referred to one’s entire being; your soul is your whole self. It’s the same word found in the Shema in Deuteronomy 6:4 where we’re commanded to love God with all our heart, all our soul (nephesh), and all our might. We were created to love Him with our whole selves, undivided and undistracted… Perhaps one of the ways we love God with all our souls is precisely by our souls waiting for Him and not moving on in rejecting Him when He doesn’t seem to be operating on our timeline! Like Israel waiting for Moses to return from Mount Sinai, do we wait patiently or do we grow frustrated and fashion our own gods attempting to make our own way? The soul in waiting never takes this route! It remains and stays and waits and trusts… What are some ways you might be divided in your waiting? Have you grown impatient or have you cut that waiting short in any way, running elsewhere for hope or relief? If so, confess those things and ask God to teach your soul to wait for Him!