Verses: The Melody of God’s Word

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This year we are celebrating 10 years of The Verses Project with a refreshed vision, brand, and strategic ways to help people memorize and meditate on God’s Word!

A decade ago a group of friends simply wanted to find a more beautiful and sustainable way to memorize scripture. As a result, we began sharing voice memos of scripture songs we were writing every week and found that these songs were helping us hide God’s Word in our hearts in fresh ways. Since then The Verse Project released nearly 300 songs and that group of friends has grown to 20k subscribers and 200k visitors to our website every year. It would be a massive understatement to say we are humbled and amazed by our story and God’s work in and through The Verses Project! 

Last year we were faced with the decision to throw in the towel or prayerfully reimagine the future. We opted for the latter and couldn’t be more excited about where that decision has led us. Many of you, our friends and supporters, rallied behind us as we sought to raise the necessary funds to rebuild our website, launch a new app, and rebrand our project. This was all done with the aim to make our songs more accessible, reach more people, and help you hide the Word of God in your heart through memorization and meditation. 

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Refreshed Vision & Brand

With the help of Eleazar Ruiz of Lazarus Studio we set out to bring more refocus to our vision and create a brand that would reflect it. One of the first things we did was simplify our name from The Verses Project to Verses. At the core of our organization is the Word of God and we are working our way through the Bible and putting it to melody - verse by verse. 

A non-negotiable part of our vision is to make our songs as available as possible for as many people as possible. When we started Verses our website was the “one-stop-shop” for all of our content. Since then streaming platforms have become the primary place for listening to music. Now you can listen to our songs on all of the platforms and you will still have the option to download the entire 2010-2020 catalog in our shop if you prefer to have them that way. In addition to our full catalog of songs being available we have curated playlists based on themes or parts of the Bible to help you meditate on scripture. These are available on our new app and on Spotify. 


Verses App

Our app release is one of the things we are most excited about! The app creates an undistracted and focused way for you to engage scripture through our collection of songs. It is also the best way to keep updated with Verses and get instant access to new content. 


Support Verses

We can’t do this without you! We have so many things we want to do and are currently working with artists to release new songs and projects to help you memorize and meditate on God’s Word.

Please donate and help us continue to put melody to God’s Word.


Psalm 139:23-24 Now Available by Latifah Alattas!


Psalm 1: Meditating on God’s Word