Maundy Thursday - John 13:34-35 Now Available by Paul Zach and Jess Fox

John 13:34-35 is now available on all streaming platforms!


[34] A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. [35] By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”

John 13:34-35

Maundy Thursday. 

A strange name for the day before Jesus was crucified. The word “maundy” comes from the Latin word “command” or “mandate.” This is Mandate Thursday, the disciples’ last evening all together with Jesus before He would be arrested, beaten, and killed.

It was here in this context that Jesus told his disciples, “A new commandment I give to you…” A new mandate I give you. A new way of living I give you. A non-retaliatory presence. Unlike the way of the world, the way of Jesus (and those who follow Him) is the way of love and unity and forgiveness. This new commandment was so essential, in fact, that Jesus said it would be the tell-tale sign that someone was actually His disciple. Even more than being known for its correct theology, the church is meant to be known as a community that loves one another! 

Even more than being known for its correct theology, the church is meant to be known as a community that loves one another! 

Where does this commandment find you today? Does the mandate feel easy or hard? Are there particular people who rub you the wrong way or are exceptionally difficult to love? Try to be as honest as you can. As you process these questions, we encourage you to do two things:

  • First, dwell on this: the love Jesus has for you is the same love that the disciples experienced firsthand that Maundy Thursday. He’s the God who emptied Himself in order to draw near to us, serve us and wash our feet! He’s known by His love and not just for others generally, but also for you particularly. May Maundy Thursday be a reminder that true love originates in Jesus and not in us!

  • Second, ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with the sort of love that Jesus gave others so freely. We live in such divided and fractured times, and yet the aroma and flavor of our lives is to be pronouncedly this: love. Not just love in general, but a love for others which means a particular love. A love that is worked out with real faces and stories and real hurts.


The song was written by Paul Zach as well as Jess Fox and Orlando Palmer and recorded in Charlottesville, VA. Paul sang and played acoustic, Jess sang, and Orlando played piano. Joel Negus played upright bass on the track, and Brian Eichelberger laid down some organ and mixed it. It was mastered by Connor Hedge.

We asked Paul for some of this thoughts about working on the song, and here’s what he share:

I love how Jesus showed us how to love each other by serving his disciples and washing their feet. These lyrics are easy to sing and harder to live out. Writing with Orlando and Jessica is always so fun. I try to write very simple melodies because I know that things will sound interesting once the 3 of us start working together.  I haven’t written many songs that make me laugh like this one does. That chorus is so fun to sing!

You can find Paul Zach on Instagram ( or here (

You can find Jess Fox on Instagram ( or here (

You can find Orlando Palmer on Instagram (


Written by Paul Zach, Jessica Fox, and Orlando Palmer

Vocals by Paul Zach and Jessica Fox

Acoustic guitar by Paul Zach

Piano by Orlando Palmer

Organ by Brian Eichelberger

Upright Bass by Joel Negus

Mixed by Brian Eichelberger

Mastered by Connor Hedge

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Good Friday - Psalm 22:1-2 Now Available by Jess Fox


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