Isaiah 40:8 Now Available feat. Free As A Bird & Gretyl Baird

Isaiah 40:8 is now available on all streaming platforms!


The grass withers, the flower fades,
but the word of our God will stand forever.

Isaiah 40:8 ESV

I bought flowers for my daughters before the Father Daughter Dance a couple weeks ago as a simple sign of my love for them. We put them in water and vases to try to preserve them as long as we could, but sure enough, less than a week later the very symbols of love became reminders of the temporal nature of life. As some have said, all good things come to an end.

The very things we try to cling or hold on to inevitably turn to sand in our hands!

Isaiah 40:8 reminds us that though we live in a beautiful and lively world, it’s also a transient world that eventually withers and fades. The very things we try to cling or hold on to inevitably turn to sand in our hands! In the words of Isaiah, the grass withers and the flower fades. If that was the only message we found in this verse, this would be quite the depressing conversation. However, Isaiah interrupts his withering and fading word with an alternate word of permanence and stability. Grass and flowers (symbolic of creation itself) will die out, but the word of our God will stand forever. It will live on. Grass and flowers might be beautiful and point us to God, but they will not stand forever. The only firm foundation for us is found in the One whose very word spoke grass and flowers into existence!

In a world where nearly nothing can be banked on, we have a place we can rest our head on at the end of the day: the word of God.

Consider your own life for a moment: where have you experienced the withering in your own life? The fading? Where have you tried to build your life on a “grassy” foundation instead of a stable one? Perhaps it’s money, a job, or a friendship. Perhaps your body has begun aging in a particular way or an injury has severely limited your capacity. In a world where nearly nothing can be banked on, we have a place we can rest our head on at the end of the day: the word of God.

The word of God never withers. His character never fades. God and His word will stand forever. Let this reality ground your heart and stabilize you in the storms of life!

Written by Joel Limpic

The Artist

This song was written by Gretyl Baird (of Free As A Bird) and produced, mixed and mastered by Brett Baird. 

You can find more information about Free As A Bird at their website (, Instagram, Facebook , or Twitter.

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