1 Peter 1:3 Now Available feat. iAmSon

1 Peter 1:3 is now available on all streaming platforms!


Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead… 1 Peter 1:3 (ESV)

While Easter is a day in the Christian Year celebrated by millions and millions across the world, it’s easy to move on from that staggering reality without much thought. Eastertide is a season of 50 days that stands as an antidote to this Easter amnesia. It calls us to linger in, feast on, and celebrate the reality that Christ rose from the dead! Here in 1 Peter 1:3 we are invited to consider both the reality of Easter and its implications in our own lives… We’ll work through it line by line.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Peter doesn’t waste much time before launching into praising and blessing God in this letter. The sentence that follows explains the cause of His praise through a series of wonderful cascading phrases, akin to a literary champagne tower, that help us remain in this Eastertide wonder.

According to his great mercy…

What’s the cause of Peter’s praise? We are told that it’s according to, or “in line with,” God’s great mercy. God hasn’t stayed silent or quiet but rather has done something; mercy moved Him to act on our behalf. Eastertide is first and foremost a declaration of God’s incredible mercy!

he has caused us to be born again…

The next phrase unpacks this reality a little more: God’s great mercy led Him to cause us to be born again… In John 3:3, Jesus tells Nicodemus that no one can see the kingdom of God apart from being born again. We must not only be born, but rather must be born again spiritually; each of us needs saving and rescue. The good news is that salvation’s birthing place is in the heart of God! It stems and flows from Him, not us. He is the great Initiator and tenacious Pursuer. Eastertide is a reminder of God’s pursuit of us in our new birth.

to a living hope…

What are we born again to? A living hope. The hope Christians have isn’t a dead one, but a living and breathing one! Biblical hope flows not from a particular outcome or situation that’s advantageous to us personally, but rather stems from trust in a Person who’s full of mercy and power. Eastertide is a celebration of our living hope!

through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead…

Finally, how does this living hope come to us? Through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. The living hope we live in today was birthed in that empty tomb. Our living hope stems from a living Savior, Jesus Himself. Eastertide is a reminder that Jesus’ resurrection was the first of many!

May this verse in 1 Peter help kindle our Easter affections!

The Artist

iAmSon is the artist name of singer-songwriter and music producer Orlando Palmer, based in Richmond, Virginia. He’s an artist-in-residence at Redeemer Anglican Church and has been involved with multiple collaborative projects like Porter’s Gate and Common Hymnal.

We asked Orlando about what it was like to work on this song and here were his thoughts:

“I love the practice of creating melody around Scripture. It challenges me to be creative within the confines of what’s already written. And what better way to practice my songwriting and creativity than to do it with the living Word of God? It has been a great meditation for me and I’m so glad to have collaborated with Verses on this one.”

Orlando Palmer - songwriter, production, piano, programming, vocals
Aaron Strumpel - trumpet
Jessica Fox - vocals
Brian Eichelberger - mixing
Connor Hedge - mastering

You can find more information about iAmSon on Instagram

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