Day Two: Psalm 130:1-2


Out of the depths I cry to you, O LORD!
O Lord, hear my voice!
Let your ears be attentive
to the voice of my pleas for mercy!



Many Christians would say as they come into church, “Leave your burdens at the door.” Not Psalm 130! It says just the opposite: “Bring your burdens through the door!” Psalm 130:1 begins with these words: “Out of the depths…” It begins where we truly are, not where we wish we were. What a freeing thought! You don’t have to fake a smile or pretend that you’re in a good mood and trouble-free before God. Psalm 130 starts in the depths and in the pitch black, just like Advent. We long for the light of the world because we’ve tasted the sting of darkness in this life and can’t wait for His return. Where do you need His light today? Ask him.


Day Three: Psalm 130:1-2


Day One: Psalm 130:1-2