Day Nine: Psalm 130:3-4
If you, O LORD, should mark iniquities,
O Lord, who could stand?
But with you there is forgiveness,
that you may be feared.
The second name for God used is “Lord.” In Hebrew, this is the name Adonai, which is tied to the idea of God being our master and superior. It has less to do with God’s faithfulness toward us like LORD to do more with His authority over us! Yahweh and Adonai. Two names for one God who is eternally committed to His people but also who rules over them and knows what’s best. The psalmist would tend to alternate between these two designations for God. How can you thank God this season of Advent for being both LORD and Lord in your life? How has He met you in His faithfulness but also in His power? Or perhaps name some of the ways you haven’t seen God in these ways! Ask for the grace to know Him more.