Verses Concert with Citizens Recap

Just about a month ago, Verses got the privilege of opening up for one of our favorite bands Citizens here in Denver. It was great to catch up with them while meeting Dee Wilson who kicked off the evening… Dee has a ridiculously amazing voice and carries a lovely presence when he leads! Check out his music if you haven’t before.

Our goal for the evening was simple: sing Scripture with those gathered.

We pulled a small band together: Aaron Strumpel (Verses veteran) and Kristina, Christian, and Malena, who are a part of Park Church in Denver. We sang through 4 new songs that we will be releasing this fall (the first actually dropped today so go check it out) and a few other Verses tunes. The whole evening was such a celebratory time, and playing the songs live with musicians was a treat, but probably the best part was hearing people singing Scripture. Dan Folgado joined us to sing Psalm 117 during the set. He plays electric guitar, bass, and keys in Citizens and has produced a few songs for Verses. We closed out singing through Aaron Strumpel’s Easter tune from last year from Matthew 28:5-6.

We also were able to set up our first booth with the help of Eleazar Ruiz of Odd Notion! We hope there are many more to come. Thanks to Adam and Fellowship Denver for hosting such a great evening!

If you or your church are interested in having Verses join you for a night of worship, hit us up. We'd love to talk about the possibility.


Psalm 34:19-20 Now Available feat. Aaron Strumpel


Habakkuk 2:18-20 Now Available feat. Anna Palfreeman