Jeremiah 31:33-34 Now Available by Anna Palfreeman

Jeremiah 31:33-34 is now available on all streaming platforms! Below is a brief mediation on the verse, a little about the artist and the song.

The Verse

33 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the LORD: I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 34 And no longer shall each one teach his neighbor and each his brother, saying, ‘Know the LORD,’ for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest, declares the LORD. For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.” (Jeremiah 31:33-34 ESV)

Throughout the Bible, we find a God who’s relentless in His pursuit of His wayward people. Our foolish stubbornness in running away from God is only outmatched by God’s faithful stubbornness in running after us! One of the ways we see God’s love on display toward us is through His covenant-making initiatives. Jeremiah 31 is a key chapter in the Old Testament that’s quoted many times in the New Testament including Jesus and Paul. It highlights the new covenant that God was promising to make with His people as the culmination and fulfillment of God’s purposes. This particular passage reveals God’s posture toward us under this new covenant:

  • Though we are a covenant breaking people, God is the covenant making God. He’s always making the first move toward us.

  • Though once He wrote His law on stone tablets, now He writes His law on our hearts that we might actually know Him, love Him, and follow Him with joy…

  • Though we often try to find identity apart from and away from God, He promises to be our God and that we are His people. This is our greatest identity!

  • Though we forget what this covenant is all about, God reminds us it’s about an intimate and experiential knowledge and knowing of Him. The new covenant is all about relationship with God.

  • Finally, we see that this new covenant is accomplished through God forgiving our iniquity and remembering our sins no more. How? The answer to this promise came years later through Jesus our Messiah on the cross.

Listen, memorize, and meditate on these realities! Let the melody of God’s Word wash over you…

The Song

We met Anna Palfreeman through a mutual friend. She has a lovely voice but also a deep love for memorizing and singing the Scriptures. We asked her to share more details about the recording process, how it came about, and about the song.

The recording was done by Dan Folgado and me. I did the keys and vocals and he did the programming, mixing, and drums. I've always loved this passage. It's framed in my kids' room right now. I love the certainty that regardless of what happens, what I do, what is done to me, that God is my God and I am His people.

I love the certainty that regardless of what happens, what I do, what is done to me, that God is my God and I am His people.

I wrote this song 7 or so years ago. I wrote it as a way to memorize the verse for myself. When I brought it to record to Dan, we changed so much of the sound of the song that now it feels really fresh and new for me to listen to. I love how the layered vocals sit against the beat in the background (which is made up of drumming with brushes on a desk, sliding a drum stick bag back and forth, and programmed drums)

You can follow Anna on Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook.

Download the chord chart here.

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Verses Story: Joel & Ryan


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