Isaiah 64:4 Now Available by Seth & Crystal Dady feat. Kierre Bjorn

Isaiah 64:4 is now available on all streaming platforms!

The Verse

From of old no one has heard or perceived by the ear, no eye has seen a God besides you, who acts for those who wait for him. (Isaiah 64:4 / ESV)

This short but packed verse highlights this simple reality: in a world of lifeless idols and empty promises, only our God is alive and able to act on behalf of those who wait on and put their trust in Him. Biblical waiting is less about a passive posture where you simply zone out until your number is called and more about an active confidence in the Person of God and all He’s revealed Himself to be. Those who “wait for Him” are ultimately those who know their ears have never heard and eyes have never set their gaze on another true god who can actually intervene and save them.

Those who “wait for Him” are ultimately those who know their ears have never heard and eyes have never set their gaze on another true god who can actually intervene and save them.

Amongst this crowd of mute and incapable idols, there is one who uniquely stands out from the rest and does what none of the others can do! That’s the God of Isaiah, the God of the Bible… Ray Ortlund comments on this passage:

Unlike our idols, God acts. No one has ever trusted God in vain. We may ask for the wrong things, but we can never get ahead of God with true thoughts of his greatness and true longings for his power. We’ll never enlarge our vision of him too greatly. We’ll never ask him to do his revealed will and hear him reply, “Well, I’ll try.” He is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or think (Ephesians 3:20, 21). Stretch your vision of God, all the way out to the full extent of the Bible, and then expect God to be true to himself. Jesus said, “According to your faith be it done to you” (Matthew 9:29).

Isaiah 64:4 reminds us that those who put their trust in God will not be let down. We might not get what we prayed for, but ultimately we can know that God will perfectly act on behalf of all who wait for him.

Take a moment to consider and meditate on Isaiah 64:4:

  1. Listen to the song.

  2. What is God speaking to you through this verse?

  3. What idols have you been waiting on instead of God? Tim Keller defines an idol as “...anything that absorbs your heart and imagination more than God, anything you seek to give you what only God can give.”

  4. How might you pray this verse back to God? A couple examples: You could turn it into a praise (“God, thank you for acting for those who wait for You”) or a petition (“God, help me believe you really do act for those who wait for You because I’ve been let down too many times…”). Whatever it is, as you meditate on it, let this passage of Scripture become a bridge to your prayer life.

The Song & Songwriter

Verses goes way back with one of the songwriters Seth Dady! While we originally met him in Boulder, CO he now lives with his family in Raleigh, NC. This song was written by Seth and his wife Crystal, featuring Crystal and their friend Kierre Bjorn on vocals. Drums by Dale Baker, guitars, keys, bass, production, and mix by Seth Dady, mastering by Voyager. We asked Seth to tell us a bit more about the process and here’s what he said:

Personally, we were in a season of waiting, so being brought back to the Lord’s faithfulness and provision throughout the story of scripture was a gift. We know he’s working, even when we can’t see it, but Scripture also gives us assurance with the arching narrative of God’s faithfulness and invitation to wait for Him.

“We know he’s working, even when we can’t see it, but Scripture also gives us assurance with the arching narrative of God’s faithfulness and invitation to wait for Him.”

This song came quick! Seth had a melody for a long time before, and this passage just fit. I think it took like 10 minutes. 10 minutes to write it, 18 months to finish recording it. Life with kids man…lol. Dale Baker is the drummer from Sixpence None the Richer, so he always delivers, and Kierre really put the finishing touches on it with the tasty vocal runs and harmonies.

You can find Seth on Instagram , Twitter , or

Kierre is on Instagram and Twitter .

Download the chord chart here.

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