Holy Saturday - Matthew 27:62-66 Now Available feat. Julian Coles and Sharlene Provilus

Matthew 27:62-66 is now available on all streaming platforms!


[62] The next day, that is, after the day of Preparation, the chief priests and the Pharisees gathered before Pilate [63] and said, “Sir, we remember how that impostor said, while he was still alive, ‘After three days I will rise.’ [64] Therefore order the tomb to be made secure until the third day, lest his disciples go and steal him away and tell the people, ‘He has risen from the dead,’ and the last fraud will be worse than the first.” [65] Pilate said to them, “You have a guard of soldiers. Go, make it as secure as you can.” [66] So they went and made the tomb secure by sealing the stone and setting a guard.

Matthew 27:62-66

5 verses.

That’s about all we know in the Bible about the time between what is called Good Friday and Easter Sunday. This day is known as Holy Saturday in the Christian calendar. The day between the brutal crucifixion of Christ and His miraculous resurrection. The liminal space that camps out somewhat uncomfortably between death and life. A day of silence. Of contemplation. Of confusion and of deafening grief.

Imagine with me what it might have been like to be a disciple on this first Holy Saturday… They had all scattered when Jesus was arrested late Thursday night, afraid for their own lives (John 20:19). Peter the zealous one went as far as denying Him three times in three different contexts! The Rabbi and teacher whom they had followed for 3 years and witnessed performing miracle after miracle had been laid in a tomb. In a strange twist, the Christ whom they thought would fulfill all the ancient prophecies and promises found in the Scriptures wasn’t who He said He was. Or was He? 

In a strange twist, the Christ whom they thought would fulfill all the ancient prophecies and promises found in the Scriptures wasn’t who He said He was. Or was He? 

The disciples weren’t the only fearful ones on this day. We find out that on this same Holy Saturday the chief priests and Pharisees were preoccupied. Unlike the disciples, they had rejected the idea that Jesus was the Messiah. So much so, they masterminded His murder but it seems his death didn’t bring the immediate relief they were seeking. Now they were afraid that the disciples who were hiding out might plot to steal His body and tell everyone that He had risen from the dead. They had heard it from his own mouth: “After three days I will rise.” So again, in an attempt to regain control, they asked the same Pilate who gave over Jesus to be crucified to give over “a guard of soldiers” to protect the tomb from a possible raid. To keep their narrative going: Jesus the Dead. Jesus the Liar. Jesus the Fraud. Jesus the unMessiah.

And yet we all know that this first Holy Saturday was not the end of the story. Jesus’ words continue to haunt us and bring us hope in the most unlikely and dark of places and times:

“After three days I will rise.”

  • As you read through this story and imagine everything going on at the time, who do you most relate to?

  • Where do you want the story of Jesus’ resurrection to be true?

  • Say that phrase aloud a few times: “After three days I will rise.” If Jesus did indeed rise, what does that mean practically for you? 

  • Ask Jesus to teach you to remember His resurrection on the darkest of days, the places where He seems wrapped up in a tomb, sealed off by a stone and seal, and guarded. Jesus loves to show up in unlikely places against all odds!


This song was written by Seth and Crystal Dady. Instrumentation was recorded by Seth Dady, vocals were sung by Julian Cole and read by Sharlene Provilus. Mixed by Seth Dady and mastered by Connor Hedge.

Seth commented on the song and process:

Sitting in this passage for a minute definitely hits you differently. In the past, I think I've just skimmed over it, not giving much attention to this section at all, so it was interesting to look at it with more intentionality. You can really feel the fear/anxiety of the Pharisees and religious people; they were so worked up even after they just witnessed Jesus die.

After praying through it, the refrain of Jesus' words that they recalled "After three days, I will rise" just kept jumping out as the point of emphasis, so we leaned into it as the refrain.

Super blessed to work with Sharlene and Julian on this one, so grateful for their contributions!

Sharlene Alice Provilus: IG - @sharlinealicep

Website - sharlineprovilus.com

Julian Coles: IG - @juliancolesmusic

Seth Dady: IG - @sethdady

 Website - dadycreative.com

Song credits:

Written and produced by Seth and Crystal Dady

 Instrumentation by Seth Dady

 Vocals by Julian

Reading by Sharlene Alice

Mixed by Seth  

Mastered by Connor Hedge

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